The battle is heating up in Pennsylvania to ban live pigeon shooting contests, and we need your help! State Representative Sara Steelman (D-Indiana County) has introduced House Bill 1909 to ban pigeon shoots, and the bill already has 46 co-sponsors. There has been increased attention to the pigeon shoot issue, and we need your help to pass legislation that ends pigeon shoots once and for all.

If you live in Pennsylvania, it is crucial that you contact your State Senator and State Representative and ask them to support legislation to ban pigeon shoots -- even if you have contacted them before! The last time this legislation was considered in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, we won a majority of the House by a vote of 99 to 93 -- but we fell only three votes short of the 102 required to pass a bill. This issue will come up again soon!

You can look at our lists to find out how your State Senator and State Representative voted last time. If you do not know who your State Senator and State Representative are, please contact us at (301) 585-2591 or and we will look them up for you.

If your elected officials voted "YES" to ban pigeon shoots, please thank them for their continued support. If they voted "NO," please tell them you are outraged that they support animal cruelty, and urge them to change their vote next time. If your elected officials were "ABSENT" or are "NEW" to the Legislature, it is especially important that they hear from you on this issue.

You can contact your State Senator and State Representative at the telephone number listed after their names, or write:

The Honorable __________
State Capitol
Harrisburg, PA 17120

Here are a few points you may wish to make:

In the words of Winston Churchill, "Never, never, never quit." We will never give up, so please don't either. Thank you for your help!

The Fund for Animals

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